


Besides assisting artists to realize their project for exhibitions and accompany them to find the best results we also offer commission printing for artists, agencies and brands like @maite.reformation – check them out if you are into pilates and yoga.



Dear all! Before I wish you all the best for 2024 I would like to thank you for your trust and your continuous support during this special year. I decided to use this photo for this posting, because this sums it up pretty well. 2023 was the first year of running the studio as a mum of two. This was and is only possible with the help of my loved ones, my team and my supporters near and far. Viadukt will turn 16 next February and sometimes it’s hard to believe how far we have come because it was not always easy. WE because YOU are a big part of our journey. Thank you for being a part of our community and helping us advance our mission. We are nothing without our artists and supporters, so you are everything to us.
Please stay safe, take care of yourselves and your loved ones and enjoy the end of the year 2023.
See you again in 2024 for a new year full of colour and screen printing!



Two weeks ago we had an amazing team printing evening with our neighbors @illiz.architektur – 15 architects and their first time at the printing table was fun! They printed an A3 poster in various color combinations on different papers. In the end everybody went home with unique prints.

Two days before the event we printed their Christmas cards for them. Same motive, but two layers and a bit smaller – A5.

All in all, a really nice, harmonious project. Thank you for printing with us.



Finally I have some time to show you the finished A0 print we did for Andreas Wesle and the exhibition “The Hidden Collection returns” – I am still so happy with the result, I could cry. People who work with typography will know why 😜. This was a really challenging project and we did it. As I have already posted some weeks ago, we printed on both sides of the paper. The paper is very thin and has two different surfaces – smooth and very rough. The second challenge was the motive itself which had to be very, very precise. For registration we used registration pins.